it is, the most sold computer in the world of all times (more than all
Mac sold from the beginning to today...), it has inserted to wide scale
the computer's use to the masses, the first home computer with music synthetizer on
board (the famous SID - Sound Interface Device).
the right side you can see a SuperCPU,
the cartridge who let to the C64 to work at 20MHz with a
memory from 192Kb up to 16Mb and let to connect also an IDE hard-disk,
all that thanks to CMD. If you haven't got the SuperCPU, an alternative to CLiPS exists: the GEOS, with a graphic interface more inspired to Apple than a Windows, and it works fine with a C64 base with a floppy-drive, all in 64Kb memory (!!). WHEELS is an upgrade for GEOS that furnish many features. Do you want
connect an Hard-disk and CD-ROM IDE to your C64?
Commodore 64 versions
GEOS : windows for C64
: upgrade for GEOS
The SuperCPU
CLiPS : windows
for C64 with SuperCPU
C64 demos from scene-parties
C64 games screenshots
C64 memory map
C64 ROM Basic / Kernel disassembler
How to connect to Internet by C64!
ITA, yet
IDE64 project
(and new) graphic modes
WebCam connected to C64
il SID (Sound Interface Device)
Commodore 64 links