GEOS - games

As easy as using GEOS is, and as simple as graphics are on it, you would think more games would have been written for it. But then again, I spend most of my time in GEOS working on applications, so maybe this is not so strange. Anyway, here are some of my favorite GEOS games:

BlackJack. This game comes as a desk accessory on the DeskPack Plus disk available from CMD. It's the classic card game of 21, played against the computer. Bet your winnings until you run dry, or take home the bank.

geoBreak - This game came on the GEOS Power Pak disk from RUN magazine. It is the game of breakout played with the fury of a mouse.

geoHazard - Also known as MineSweeper, this is currently my favorite GEOS game; both for the fantastic color, and the ease of use. It's also a desk accessory if you can believe it, and can be gotten ahold of by ordering the proper back issue of LoadStar.


geoShootOut is a game requiring quick reflexes as you try to pop the badguys before they get to you. Don't shoot the innocents though! This game appeared on GEOS Power Pak II from RUN magazine.


geoWar - the final game being looked at is a variation on the popular board game Risk. It can be played among up to six human players, computer players, or with neutral countries. It's graphics are it's strong point as you can see, and it includes a myriad of options to configure the game as you please. This game can also be found on the net.

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