Drives & tape recorder
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Disk Drive Series:
* Amiga 590 SCSI and XT bus for A500, hard drive, Ram Expansion 2MB BZ
* Amiga 1010 Single 3.5" 880K, offered for Amiga 1000, AmigaSerial. MJ
* Amiga 1011 Single 3.5" 880K, offered for Amiga 500 & 2000, AmigaSerial.JM
* Amiga 1020 Single 5.25", 440K Amiga, 360K MS-DOS, In 1571 Case. CS
* Amiga 2010 Single 3.5", 880K Internal for A2000/2500.
* Amiga 2020 Single 5.25", 440K Internal for A2000.
* Amiga 3010 Single 3.5", 1.76M Dual Speed, internal.
* CBM 1541 *All types, see VIC 1541*
* CBM 1541C Single 5.25" 170K, updated 1541, Brown, Turn-Down,Serial.
* CBM 1541C Single 5.25" 170K, updated 1541, Cream, Turn-Down,Serial. BZ
* CBM 1541C Single 5.25" 170K, updated 1541, Cream, Push-Down,Serial.
* CBM 1541 II Single 5.25" 170K, Cream, Sep. PS, Direct Drive, Serial. BZ
* CBM 1541 II Single 5.25" 170K, Cream, Sep. PS, Belt Drive, Serial. JB
* CBM 1542 Single 5.25" 170K, Charcoal Grey, Serial.
* CBM 1551 1541, Push-Down Closure, Chacoal Grey, TED Parellel. RJ
* CBM 1551 1541, Turn-Down Closure, Chacoal Grey, TED Parellel. PB
* CBM 1570 Single 5.25" SS Version of 1571, Cream in 1541 case. BZ
* CBM 1571 Single 5.25" 340K(128),170K(64),CPM,Cream,Alps Mech,Serial. BZ
* CBM 1571 Single 5.25" 340K(128),170K(64),CPM,Cream,NewT Mech,Serial. BZ
* CBM 1571CR Internal 1571 used in C128D BZ
* CBM 1572 Dual 1571, Cream color, 5000 made, side-by-side device 0&1
* CBM 1581 Single 3.5" 800K, Cream, Serial. JB
* CBM 2020 dual ???" external floppy drives LI
* CBM 2031 Single 5.25" 170K, Off-White, IEEE-488. BZ
CBM 2031-SL Single 5.25" 170K, Off-White, IEEE-488. (SL = Slim Line)
* CBM 2031 LP Single 5.25" 170K, DOS2.6, Off-White, 1541 Case,IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 2031 LP Single 5.25" 170K, DOS2.6, Tan, 1541 Case,IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 2040 Dual 5.25" 170K, DOS1.0, Off-White, No Rel Files, IEEE-488.
* CBM 2040 Dual 5.25" 170K, DOS1.2, Off-White, No Rel Files, IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 2081 Single 5.25" ?????
* CBM 3040 2040.
* CBM 4031 HP 2031 HP. (Has 4040 Mechanism) SL
* CBM 4031 LP 2031 LP.
* CBM 4040 Dual 5.25" 170K, DOS2.0, Off-White, IEEE-488.
* CBM 4040 Dual 5.25" 170K, DOS2.1, Off-White, IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 8050 Dual 5.25" 512K, DOS2.1, Off-White, IEEE-488.
* CBM 8050 Dual 5.25" 512K, DOS2.5, Off-White, IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 8050 Dual 5.25" 512K, DOS2.7, Off-White, IEEE-488. JB
CBM 8060 Single 8", 750K, Off-White, IEEE-488.
* CBM 8061 Dual 8", 1.6M, Off-White, IEEE-488.(IBM 3740 and CBM format)
* CBM 8062 Dual 8", 3.2M, Off-White, IEEE-488.(IBM 3740 and CBM format)
* CBM 8250 Dual 5.25" 1MB, DOS2.7, Off-White, IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 8250 LP Dual 5.25" 1MB, DOS2.7, Off-White, Half Height, IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM 8280 Dual 8" 1MB, DOS3.0, Off-White, Read IBM disks. BZ
* CBM 8280 LP Dual 8" 1MB, DOS3.0, Off-White, Read IBM disks, Slimline. WA
* CBM D9060 5 MB Hard Drive, DOS3.0, Off-White, IEEE-488. BZ
* CBM D9090 7.5 MB Hard Drive, DOS3.0, Off-White, IEEE-488. BZ
* CD 1411 Black version of Amiga 1011. CDTV dedicated. BZ
* PC 910 Single 3.5" 360K/720K, Internal for PC10/20-I-II-III.
* PC 915 Newer 910.
* PC 920 Single 5.25" 360K/1.2M, Internal for PC10/20-I-II-III.
* SFD 1001 Single 5.25" 1MB, In 1541 Case, DOS2.7, Brown, IEEE-488. JB
* SFS 481 CBM 1551. (This was its first number, then they renamed it)
* VIC 1540 Single 5.25" 170K, Off-White, Xfer spd > 1541, Serial. BZ
* VIC 1541 Single 5.25" 170K, Push-Down Closure, Off-White, Serial JB
* VIC 1541 Single 5.25" 170K, Push-Down Closure, Brown, Serial. JB
* VIC 1541 Single 5.25" 170K, Turn-Down Closure, Brown, Serial. JB
Cassette Series:Took regular cassettes, non standard format data.
Note: 1530 is same as C2N. Therefore, variations were not
* CBM C2N-1 Black, 8.00"Lx5.25"Wx2.50"H, 5 button, No Tape Ctr. BZ
* CBM C2N-2 Cream C2N-1, Tinted Window, Tape Counter. JB
* CBM C2N-3 C2N-2 with bolder logo. BZ
* CBM C2N-4 Cream, 6.00"Lx7.75"Wx2.00"H, 6 button,Clear Win., Tape Ctr. BZ
* CBM C2N-5 C2N-4 with no counter label, orange under cassette. BZ
* CBM C2N-6 C2N-4 with no save label, bolder logo. BZ
* CBM C2N-7 C2N-4 with tinted win., bolder logo. BG
* CBM 1531 Charcoal Grey C2N-6, Commodore 16/+4 Cassette Drive BZ
* CBM Load-It LED Readout, Adjustment Screw