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For photos, see products list - printers

Printer Series:

* CBM 530       Small Receipt Printer, 70mm paper roll, black/red ribbon    BC 

* CBM 1526      80 Col. 8.5" Wide 8*8 Matrix No GFX, Brown, Serial 60cps.   JB 

  CBM 2020      IEEE, GFX, white w/black bottom, friction feed, 80 col?

  CBM 2021      80 Col. Matrix Electrosatic (Thermal) Printer, GFX. 

* CBM 2022      80 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix No GFX, Off-White, IEEE-488.   BZ

* CBM 2023      Friction-Only 2022.                                         BZ

* CBM 3022      2022 for PET 3000, IEEE-488.                                SL 

* CBM 3023      2023 for PET 3000, IEEE-488.                                TL 

* CBM 4022      80 Col, 10" Wide 8*6 Matrix No GFX, Epson MX-80, IEEE-488.  SL 

* CBM 4022p     Bidirectional 4022, Epson MX-70?, IEEE-488.

* CBM 4023      80 Col. 10" Wide 8*8 Matrix No GFX, NLQ, Brown, IEEE-488.   BZ

* CBM 6400      C.Itoh Starwriter F10-40, Centronics or IEEE-488            SL 

  CBM 8022      ?

* CBM 8023      80 Col. 14" Wide 8*8 Matrix No GFX, Off White, IEEE-488     JB 

  CBM 8023P     136 Col. 15" Wide 8*6 Matrix, GFX, IEEE-488.                BZ

* CBM 8024      132 Col. Mannesman Tally, 7*7, Upgrade to 7*9, Cream, IEEE. GV 

* CBM 8024/A    132 Col. Mannesman Tally, 9*7, 160 cps bidirectional.       SL 

* CBM 8024L     8024 Multi-Pass NLQ Printer, IEEE-488.

* CBM 8026      OLYMPIA ESW-103, TypeWriter Printer, IEEE-488.

* CBM 8026b     8026 Extended.?

* CBM 8027      8026 without Keys, IEEE-488.

* CBM 8028      132 Col. 15" Daisy-Wheel, (Robotron), Cent./IEEE-488        SL 

* CBM 8075      Plotter, available in 1 and 8 pen variety, IEEE-488 

* CBM 8229      8028 with 16kB print buffer.                                BZ

* CBM 8300P     Diablo 630, Daisy Wheel, Cream, IEEE-488.                   BZ

  CBM-P1        Daisy Wheel Printer.

* DPS 1101      132 Col. 13", Daisy-Wheel, Friction Feed, Juki 6100, Serial.BZ

* DPS 1120      116-175 Col. 14.5" wide Daisy, Black, Serial.  (Olympia)    RH 

* IP3300        Ink Jet Printer                                             IM 

* LPS 2000      Laser Printer, Centronics (Possibly German Only). 

* MCS 801       80 Col. 8.5" Wide 8*8 Matrix GFX Color, Serial.             FB 

* MPC 801       Juki Color Printer                                          HR 

* MPP 1361      8023P.                                                      BZ

* MPS 801       80 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Brown, Serial.            BZ

* MPS 802       1526.                                                       JB 

* MPS 803       80 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Brown, Serial.            BZ

* MPS 803       80 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Charcoal Grey, Serial.    BZ

* MPS 810       Okimate 10 ?                                                CA 

* MPS 820       Okimate 20 ?                                                CA 

* MPS 1000      Epson HomeWriter, US Version. 9 pin, 100cps draft.          BZ 

* MPS 1000      Epson HomeWriter, Intl. version with switchable charsets.   GD 

* MPS 1000      Seikosha 1000.

* MPS 1200      Citizen 120D. 9 pin 120 cps draft, CBM Serial interface.    BW 

* MPS 1200P     MPS 1200 with Parallel Interface.                           DW 

* MPS 1224C     Mannesmann Tally, 24 pin Color Printer, MT Printer, Ser/Par BZ

* MPS 1230      Olivetti printer, 9 pin, Centronics.                        EB 

* MPS 1250      Citizen, Serial/Centronics.                                 BZ 

* MPS 1270      Ink Jet Printer, uses Kodak Diconix Cartridges, Centronics. DL 

* MPS 1270A     Ink Jet Printer, uses Kodak Diconix Cartridges, IEC Serial. MG

* MPS 1500      ???

* MPS 1550      9 pin printer, Centronics.

* MPS 1550C     9 pin 4 color Printer, OLIVETTI DM105, Centronics.          MH 

* MPS 2000      NEC P6

* MPS 2000C     NEC P6 Color                                                BZ

* MPS 2010      NEC P7

* MPS 2010C     NEC P7 Color

* VIC 1510      ???? (predecessor of VIC 1515)

* VIC 1515      80 Col. 7.0" Wide 6*7 Matrix GFX, Off White, Serial.        GY 

* VIC 1520      80 Col. 4.0" Wide Plotter, GFX, Off White, 4 color. Serial 

* VIC 1520      80 Col. 4.0" Wide Plotter, GFX, Brown, Paper Cover,Ser.     GY 

* VIC 1520      80 Col. 4.0" Wide Plotter, GFX, Brown, No Paper Cover,Ser.  PZ 

* VIC 1525      80 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Off-White, Serial.        JB 

  VIC 1525e     same as 1525, but ROMs implement slower bus for 64. 


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