The Commodore Pet probably is one of the most
famous personal computer on the informatic story. I've got a PET (the 2001-08C) and I have
thought of devoting some information pages about this cult-computer for
remember it to all. Everyone could recognise this machine with any
doubt: all that never used it remember however it for its cornered and
roundishing forms. Today nobody ignore the story of its computer
company that made it, the Commodore, founded by a writer machine
technician and become one of the more prestigious computer brands, for
then abort and to be acquired from several companies more in difficulty
than Commore itself.
The PET, Personal Electronic Transactor, bore in 1977. This
brand was used only for some models, until the 40xx series:
Philips asserted the PET brand in fact already registered, forcing the
Commodore to use it initial brand CBM (Commodore Business Machines) for
the following computer of the 8xxx series.
During the years several PET models
appeared, continually updated on the software and hardware, and
naurally its external aspect, that is the major element to recognise
it; some models never appeared on the market, stayed on prototype
state, so today they are great collection pieces rare
like Apple I. Very interested also drives on the screen sides, they
seem like integrated speakers.
The price of the first model appeared in 1977 was $595, it had 4K RAM
and 14K ROM with a BASIC version and operating system directly
installed on resident memory. To save data a tape recorder was present
to a side of the keyboard. From thast version the PET technical characteristics
are continually reformed, until the last series, the CBM 8xxx, appeared
on market in the first '80 years.
Images on this page are taken
from these links
Thanks to Max
Spillus that provided me pages dedicated to PET
See my Retrorescue PET 2001!

Popular Science announce the available of
Pet, a revolutionary and cheap computer : the Commodore's
epoch started...
Chicago, january 1977:
the Personal Electronic Transactor is ufficially showed on its first
case & model.